Italian erotic film

La venexiana internationally released as The Venetian Woman is a Italian erotic film directed by Mauro Bolognini. Le sorelle di Venere 2. Feeling more and more alone, she decides to begin a relationship with the beautiful Andrea, who is also the owner of an elegant bordello. R min Horror. Plot In Rome, Dodo is a university lecturer taking a class in French literature. L'uomo che guarda The Man Who Looks , misleadingly translated into English as The Voyeur, is a Italian erotic drama film written and directed by Tinto Brass in a free adaptation of Alberto Moravia's eponymous novel.
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Category:Italian erotic films

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Giulia has a disordered life and he tries to change her life, he even beat her, but she can not change and his sister Amalia becomes isolated for the continued absence of his brother, and he is victim of a love who has been betrayed: Not Rated 85 min Horror, Mystery, Thriller. Ivory served as the screenwriter and co-producer; he was initially set to co-direct the film but stepped down in So he sold the idea to Griffi and let him produce and direct it, retitling it The Trap. X min Drama, War. The film contains brief hardcore sex footage on a vintage film reel that the film's characters watch. Both experimental and explicit, definitely worth a watch.
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