Fuck are you doing

You would just do things. Fuck your cowardice, your disavowal of the solemn duties of your office — keeping this country safe from tyrants and demagogues. I believe that "what in the hell" is attested too - with "in". All of life is like this. Because I have no fucking clue. How will looking for bugs affect my future prospects? Anthony and other suffragettes fought for, fuck your tacit acceptance that a woman should be an accessory to a man, fuck your self-centered interest in insuring your own well-being over the well-being of the country that allows you such a lifestyle.
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What the fuck are you Doing?

Seven Days, with or without the definite article, no one would see what the hell as containing a verb "to hell". Previous Thread Next Thread. It is a variant of "what are you doing? It seems to me. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
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