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But arguably the most memorable moment came courtesy of Ty Hemmerling, dubbed "Bikini Boy" by judge Randy Jackson because he showed up wearing a revealing two-piece -- one he got to know intimately. It's not a good look. Heidi Pratt goes off the pill! All-access pass to the top stories, events and offers around town. True to form for "Idol" hopefuls this season, James had survived a motorcycle accident after which he was told he'd never play guitar. Darrell, who earned her moniker when she wore a string bikini to her tryout, won an award for 'best attitude' and took the stage wearing her trademark ensemble, with two noticeable differences.
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What's next for Bikini Boy? And with that, day one in Denver came to a close. Let's do something,'" he recalls. And then there was year-old Tori Kelly, who didn't impress much with her version of Mayer's "Gravity" but made it to Hollywood based largely on her outfit "You're like a human orange," Simon hissed.
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Men, however, might finally agree after seeing Mr. It's probably better that way. But as it turned out, Tori didn't need any help. I've talked to stations in Canada, Chicago Ty Hemmerling apparently thought coming dressed in a skimpy string-top two-piece, accessorized with frumpy-looking sport sneakers no wonder Posh, along with the other judges, walked out! She put her raspy rocker's voice to Melissa Etheridge 's "I'm the Only One," and was off to Hollywood in a flash of tears and thank-yous.
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