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An Introduction for Parents. This article was first published on the site in Turn off more accessible mode. Genetic counselling should always be available to families with a child with Down's syndrome. This phenomenon of the chromosome pair not separating is called noadisjunction. The Translocation type of Down syndrome A baby sometimes has all the clinical symptoms of Down syndrome but only 46 chromosomes in every cell. This is checked in a lab to find the extra chromosome.
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Down syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

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Individuals with Down syndrome also tend to have a more alkaline saliva resulting in a greater resistance to tooth decay , despite decreased quantities of saliva, [57] less effective oral hygiene habits, and higher plaque indexes. This is called "mosaicism. Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email. Essentials of Rubin's Pathology.
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Chromosomal Changes That Can Cause Down Syndrome

These cell division abnormalities result in an extra partial or full chromosome This syndrome causes about a third of cases of intellectual disability. Principles and Issues 10 ed. Approximately 1 in 6 U.
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In this case, an error during the formation of the egg or the sperm results in either one having an extra chromosome. Much smaller numbers have translocation, or mosaic Down's syndrome. For the first time it has been proved that men have biological clocks just like women and that the older a man is, the more likely it is his sperm will contain defects. Very few families are known who have more than one child with Down's syndrome, so the real chance is probably less than this. Studying the parents' chromosomes can reveal whether this is the cause of the syndrome. MOST READ NEWS Previous.
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