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The party at the Rose runs from Friday through Sunday, with Friday featuring a wet t-shirt contest and DJs til the wee hours of the morning, Saturday looking at all-day bands and beer pong, and Sunday usually hosting a spectacular Butch contest with even more music. This Capitol Hill lesbian staple has been around for over 20 years- serving up cold beer, good food and eye candy to the Seattle lesbian community. But need to make time for myself. Very casual environment with a good mixed clientele. I love intimacy and romance. I quit smoking a year ago and this year changing my food and not allowing negativity in my life.
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I'm a social worker by trade and by nature. I'm new to town and new to being out to people who take me seriously. I'm looking for a direct, straightforward and motivated person who knows what they want out of life. I am easy going person. Tuesday, April 12, -
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Here's a look at some Gay Singles Meetups happening near Seattle.

Pretty down to earth. I love to sing and dance. I feel at peace there. Log in and a post your event button will appear on this page. I am moving to seattle sometime in june and would like to meet new people.
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I just wish to live how I believe and let that serve as my attempt to positively affect change one person at a time. Tuesdays are Taco Tuesdays, which tend to get crowded. I'm thoughtful, caring, pretty, funny, open-minded but have my own thoughts. I am determined when it comes to things that I believe in. I volunteer with animals in my free time and I loooove skeletons. Kimchi fried rice, sexy tofu tacos, and Aloha sliders make this some of the best and cheapest lunch food in Seattle.
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