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The couple dated for four years and then John decided to put a ring on that finger and make things official. The magazine also features NSFW photos of several modeling superstars: For more information on cookies including how to manage your consent visit our Cookie Policy. Chrissy Teigen and John Legend want "a ton" of kids. Got a News Tip? Would you like to view this in our UK edition? A lot of folks don't know that the racy model was born in Delta, Utah in
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[PICS] Chrissy Teigen’s Wardrobe Malfunction At AMAs: Pics Of Her Exposed Crotch – Hollywood Life

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Chrissy Teigen Suffers (Another) Wardrobe Malfunction—See the Pic!

More naked stars in music videos. Would you like to view this in our US edition? She finished her look with Gucci Boots, and her hair pulled back in a bun. Getty 13 of Getty 11 of
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This Chrissy Teigen Wardrobe Malfunction Is Legit NSFW

Video Image Gigi does her impersonation of Melania Trump 0: Get breaking news and big stories on your desktop. Teigen, 30, faced an awkward moment when she posed for photographs at the AMAs , showing so much skin that some images had to be blurred. Thank you for subscribing. What else would you like?
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Chrissy's dad was an electrician and so the family moved a few times before settling in Huntington Beach, California. The two got married in in the beautiful Como, Italy and had their first child in The year-old model took to Instagram on Monday to share a photo of herself suffering an unexpected wardrobe malfunction at New York Fashion Week, snapping a selfie of the unfortunate moment. Plus, we admire the fact that she is willing to give her most prized possession some air and spotlight on the red carpet. We wouldn't mind her going commando ALL the time. Would you like to view this in our German edition? Chrissy Teigen gives John Legend a topless hug.
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