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This morning a delicious clip of Blac Chyna giving a blowjob went viral on Twitter. No wonder she made it to the top of the celeb industry. There is another scandal stirring that someone actually somehow obtained some minutes of the video and is threatening to release it to the media. Inevitably the couple split, but before things went sour the celebrity couple allegedly created a sex tape together. Today's post saddens me deeply as it is an attack not only against my client but my friend. Everyone is trying to figure out who leaked the newest Blac Chyna sex tape! Read next on IOL.
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She posed nude for the outlet, her top half covered by her long, blonde hair, as she cradled her baby bump. Anderson Silva says he'd love to fight Conor McGregor 0: What do strippers do in the VIP room to make a little extra cash? Skip to content You are here:
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The guy's face is never shown but his voice can be heard and the clip seems to have been filmed by him. Blac Chyna seeks legal action after sex tape leak. Alleged robber dies in hail of bullets after homeowner fights back. TMZ is all over the story. Blac Chyna sex tape video leaked online Share this article with a friend Your Name: Rumors are spreading that the mystery man is one of her many fuckboys she keeps on call.
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