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Archived from the original on 4 February The IRS has been looking into how Microsoft and other companies deal with transfer pricing. Retrieved 4 December Ballmer picked up a chair and threw it across the room hitting a table in his office. A widely circulated video was his entrance on stage at Microsoft's 25th anniversary event in September , [58] where he shouted and jumped across the stage, and saying "I love this company". Retrieved August 19, Wikiquote has quotations related to:
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Mark Lucovsky

Retrieved January 12, Clippers Dance Squad Ralph Lawler. August 26, "Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer and the parting of the ways". In the 20 years following his hire, Ballmer headed several Microsoft divisions, including operations, operating systems development, and sales and support. Wikiquote has quotations related to:
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Android is for computer science geeks". Retrieved on September 4, A widely circulated video was his entrance on stage at Microsoft's 25th anniversary event in September , [58] where he shouted and jumped across the stage, and saying "I love this company". Steve Ballmer joined Microsoft on June 11, , and became Microsoft's 30th employee, the first business manager hired by Gates. Founders Bill Gates Paul Allen.
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Hansen 's proposal to build a new arena in the SoDo neighborhood of Seattle and bring the SuperSonics back to Seattle. Ballmer then resumed attempting to persuade Lucovsky to stay at Microsoft. Ballmer says that he regretted the lack of focus on Windows Mobile in the early s, leaving Microsoft a distant third in the current smartphone market. Ballmer was instrumental in driving Microsoft's connected computing strategy, with acquisitions such as Skype. International directory of business biographies. Farmington Hills, Michigan U.
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