I've had a very small white spot right on my clitoris too for about 2 or 3 weeks. It's on the left small lip near my clitoris, and it's pretty small, kind of like the size of a bb bullet, for the bb gun, but I'm still scared. As with anything lumpy or bumpy in that general vicinity, one tends to get a trifle uncomfortable both physically and psychologically. They gave me a full sexual health screen standard - all fine and the consultant took one look at it and said that's a swollen gland. Single bump on shaft I'm too afraid to tell my mom to schedule a gynecologist apt to have it checked. I have also tried ointments.
Small, hard lump near clitoris What is it??? - Women's Health - MedHelp
Aunt Vadge: Small red dot on clitoris – what is it?
Guest over a year ago I have exactly what the first poster described: When the first one seamed ultra painful and swelled to almost the size of an acorn, I used petrolium jelly and some mellaluca triple antibacterial ointment. I was sobbing it hurt so bad. Now, I've had some sort of little bump to form on the right side of my clitoral hood.
Ive had this before and I believe it was a zit I get frequent headaches. You could also go to the doctor and have it checked out and possibly lanced. I get boils too and they used to give me great deal of pain, fever, could hardly wear pants, feels so good when it pops.
Some cysts are just treated with oral antibiotics. Brb over a year ago. Feel like a needle is poking me. Probably its an ingrown hair that's the first thing that came to mind. I pot a HOT compress on it all night and today I see that it seemed to have drained and went back down as it was before. Sexual Dysfunction for men and women.
Black Girls ar the best for licking and fuck
What did people expect to see when they logged onto this channel? This saddens me.
I am in love with her.
Wow both my Wifes were like that more then than now st.Wife was a nytho loved fucking her
FTL! I dident understand it was him untill he spoke! did he color his hair or something?
she deseves more than this