What might feel fantastic to one woman might not to another. Is she subtly rotating her hips with your timing? I try to make sure they orgasm before I orgasm. And nor are you. Look at her chest. Women take longer to reach a state of arousal and to reach orgasm.
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Oh yeah, hot chicks. After he checked their tits, wouldn't it have been nice if he'd told'em to take their panties off, lay back, then examined their hairy Malaysian pussies. Even better if he'd have fucked'em while the nurse watched.
This is awesome
Oh yeah, hot chicks. After he checked their tits, wouldn't it have been nice if he'd told'em to take their panties off, lay back, then examined their hairy Malaysian pussies. Even better if he'd have fucked'em while the nurse watched.
These are pornstars... not amateurs!
Id pay him to do that shit to my wife