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Electrical injury - Wikipedia

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However, the potential seriousness of the shock depends on paths through the body that the currents take. In other projects Wikimedia Commons. At that time, the incidence of electrocutions was decreasing. Although some original proponents of the electric chair considered it to be a more humane execution method than hanging, shooting, poison gassing, etc.
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Current can cause interference with nervous control, especially over the heart and lungs. Other methods of electrical torture such as the picana do not use a fixed wire but the prod has two electrodes of different polarity a short distance apart so as to make a circuit through the flesh between them when it is placed on the body, thus making it easy for the operator to target the shocks accurately in the places that cause the victim most pain and distress. The parrilla is an example of this technique. The term "electrocution," coined about the time of the first use of the electric chair in , [ citation needed ] originally referred only to electr ical exe cution and not to accidental or suicidal electrical deaths.
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You agree that you will not permit any person s under 18 years of age to have access to any of the materials contained within this site. Discover Pornstars Most Popular Top Trending Most Viewed Most Subscribed Alphabetical No. As with all BDSM play, sexual partners in e-stim should be well educated in the methods they are using and should also follow some standard etiquette that is widely accepted in any BDSM play. Electric Chair Torture views. Inside the debauched firm that rivals Wolf of Wall Kayce Monroe Wild Electro BDSM Session. Batten, of Hitchin in Hertfordshire, claims that it was only he who went on the board and that their sex was consensual.
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