Anal sac removal in cats

We had cultures done and no special bacteria were present other than the ordinary , we have tried changing her diet, adding fiber - nothing seems to help. How is anal sac disease treated? Anal Sac Disease in Cats By Ernest Ward, DVM November 19, What are the anal sacs? Bacteria that are normally present in the feces can readily travel up the ducts and enter the sacs. The gland is dissected free of associated tissues, and blood vessels supplying the gland, as well as the ducts, are ligated tied off. For infection, the sacs must be expressed and antibiotics administered to kill the bacteria.
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Anal sac (apocrine gland) tumors in cats and dogs.

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The tumor itself usually affects only one of the two anal sacs, however some pets may have tumors in both. All About Dogs by lowchensaustralia. There are several commercial brands of high fiber dog and cat food available. Kansas State University is currently conducting a clinical trial of nanoparticle cisplatin localized delivery in dogs with naturally-occurring metastatic apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma. This empties the glands of all material.
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This is a very painful condition, and the first sign you may see is that the animal attempts to bite or scratch when you touch the area near the tail. They just use them differently. Pets with cancer lose weight partly because of lack of appetite and partly because of cancer-induced altered metabolism. As with any surgery, general anesthesia is required, this always carries some degree of risk. Bacteria make their way into the glands, probably through the ducts.
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What's my best option? This procedure is repeated on the other gland. It is also possible that cats will lose some control over their bowels following surgery. What Type of Anesthesia is Needed For an Anal Gland Removal? The surgeon may or may not choose to remove the other anal sac, even if it is healthy, to prevent future disease. Add a comment to Milo's experience.
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