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Bold but unrelenting in its depiction of both physical and emotional aggression, Fat Girl will be bracing for those open to its challenges and brutal for those who aren't. For the musical number, see Fat Lippo composition. Use the HTML below. Movie Info Elena is the gorgeous fifteen-year-old who is forced to drag along pudgy twelve-year-old Anais as she trolls for boys in the cafes of a seaside resort where their family is vacationing. Elena Pingot Libero De Rienzo Reluctantly, a sulky adolescent returns to her parents' house for yet another boring summer vacation, dabbling in desire and the art of desirability, eventually mixing reality with vision, caged fantasies with the fierce female sexuality. Later, Fernando sneaks into the girls' bedroom for a liaison with Elena.
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Bold but unrelenting in its depiction of both physical and emotional aggression, Fat Girl will be bracing for those open to its challenges and brutal for those who aren't. Start your free trial. Latest News Music Celebrity. Ann Matthijsse as Friend at Residence.
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Treating Anais with casual cruelty, Elena smooches a handsome young Italian as her sister gorges on a banana split and later, in their shared bedroom, commands her to sleep as the twenty something Lothario climbs in through the window. Her cousin Nikki selects tacky bridesmaids dresses without Toula's permission; her brother Nick semi-jokingly threatens Ian that he'll kill him if he ever hurts Toula. My Big Fat Greek Life. Ian's willingness to do this encourages Gus and Maria to gradually accept Ian into the family. Stink as Chow Yun Fat.
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Two sisters confront their sexual attitudes and experiences while on a family holiday. Goofs [ All goofs for this title are spoilers. Jan 1, Rating: Far from being a mere provocateur although she certainly is one , Breillat shines a light on the way everyday sexism degrades all concerned. I left the theater exhilarated. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin.
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