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Along with debris and various body parts scattered across the rear speakers, there's also a pretty nice sense of atmosphere. For any person who has been fed up with the day to day life of crime and other issues in their world, HOBO helps you feel like you got the revenge you have so wanted but are unable to act upon because in reality Priced cheap to boot. Edit Details Official Sites: HOBO, goes completely over the top, and I mean completely over. Deleted Scenes 7 min. The film's dialogue is balanced cleanly and clearly in the mix too, and no hiss or distortion ever once creeps in.
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Start your free trial. If Hobo with a Shotgun hadn't had Hauer and Dunsworth to anchor it, I'd still probably have given the flick a thumbs-up 'cause I love splattercamp, but the two of them elevate it into an actual movie. You've already signed up for some newsletters, but you haven't confirmed your address. Rutger Hauer is great as the hobo, funny as hell! Check out our other F-wordtastic items here https: Seeing as how Hobo with a Shotgun got its start with a contest promoted by another flick, they returned the favor with their own contest. The really inspired casting of Rutger Hauer grounds the movie in something kind of resembling reality too so it doesn't devolve into just gloriously mindless camp.
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