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Weight does not have to bring you down! Don't have an account? As someone who is fascinated, daresay turned on by this fantasy, i can say that i find pleasure in the idea of a girl growing larger and larger, not necessarily fat but even just her breasts and butt and all things most men associate as sexually appealing when large. Why blueberries in particular? When she gets to the dessert, the blueberry pie, her skin becomes blue and purple and her body begins blowing up like a balloon, resembles an enormous blueberry. Yes but it says its a sexual turn on to a lot of people, I just want to know what is it haha.
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If so, what do you find sexually attractive about it? No comments have been added yet. The gallery contains fanart, drawings, picture morphs, and 3D models. There are lots of interesting fetishes out there and you may have some as well, dont knock it till you try it. My question is, are there any people that find it sexually attractive? But there are many fantasies and fetishes that excite and arouse people.
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