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As Hashirama was the first Hokage of Konoha, Lady Tsunade is referred to as a princess, among her village hidden in the leaves or the leaf village. Her sensei was the late 3 rd Hokage of Konoha village, who is also the grandfather of Konoha academy student, konohamaru, HiruzenSarutobi. Notify me of new posts by email. Her team comprised of Tsunade, Jiraiya,andOrochimaru. While we are talking about her beauty, skills and professional life, we want to now take you on a ride through a TsunadeSenju bikini photo gallery. Bradley Heard - January 7, 0. The hottest images and pictures of TsunadeSenju from Naruto and Naruto Shippuden which are simply astounding.
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She later leaves the village as she got disgusted by the sight of blood during battle and so she starts to become a gambler and has a drinking problem. These sexy TsunadeSenju bikini photos will make you wonder how someone so beautiful could exist. She is part of the Naruto and its subsequent sequel series, Naruto Shippuden, in which she gets introduced as the legendary Sannin and the student of Konoha Academy, under the guidance of the later third Hokage. In this section, enjoy our galleria of TsunadeSenju near-nude pictures as well. Lady Tsunade is always known to be drinking Sake and going on a gambling spree. Post becoming the fifth Hokage of the Konoha village, Tsunade becomes the sensei of Sakura Haruno, while Naruto becomes the student of Jiraiya. Ironically, UchihaSasuketobecome the student of one of the other Sannin, who is known to be one among the antagonists, Orochimaru.
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