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Because Children Are Innocent , they don't have the same amount of regrets, mistakes, and horrors that adults do. It should be noted that their Weak Point is on the top of their shells, not under them. Cracking her Neuro-Vault for the Lyoko keys. They will take the quickest route to the main group or the objective of the time, do whatever they have to to assure that no threats can interfere, and are not above attacking innocents in the way.
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Hoist by His Own Petard: In addition, it's stated elsewhere that Aelita loses half her life points every time she uses her Creativity, despite the fact that in-universe there's no evidence to suggest this is true. XANA pulls a Heroic Sacrifice at the end of the fourth book, but the epilogue reveals Aelita was able to recreate and materialize him. While not as extreme as most examples she is still a major supporting character , it should be noted that she is introduced before Yumi and has more plot importance and scenes than her in the first episode. It turns out the men in black are trying to stop the Green Phoenix organization, a terrorist group trying to take Lyoko's power for themselves.
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