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He felt compelled to kiss her cheek. It returned to her mouth so she could speak. This site is hosted at latexstories. With that the mistress wheeled and walked out, closing the screen on the window in the door so that passersby could not see in. They hit the opposite door jam and bounced. Karl unpacked his suitcase on the motel bed as soon as he checked into the room. Excitement gushed through her as she stood almost helpless.
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Rusty took it from her and studied it, and as he did he had thoughts. He studied his image in a full-length mirror on the closet door with satisfaction before pulling the shiny, long black gloves over his hands and arms and closing the six-inch zippers on the insides of both wrists. Unable to close her slutty mouth, rivets of drool had cascaded from the opening to land on her held-together breasts. As adventurous as his wife was, he was going behind her back because her pace of trying kinky things was pretty damn slow compared to other people they knew. The girl in the chair writhed as the wax dribbled over her nipples and dripped onto her naked stomach, but could not moan with either pair or pleasure because of the red ball gag strapped firmly between her bright red lips. I heard the door close and then lock.
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