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Abe Froman has some interesting stories focused around bondage, humiliation and mind control. Since both Alexis and Jenna where total knockouts, with lovely feet, it didn't really mater whose sox I might find. A guy is blackmailed by a coworker and agrees to do anything she wants and what she wants is more than he bargained for. In spite of the torment she was causing me, the site of her soft supple soles waving in front of me, caused a tent to form in my sweat pants. A big donkey dick being mocked can be just as humiliating for a guy. A young new sex slave begins his humiliation A young new sex slave begins his humiliation Chapter
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The Honey Trap Alrek is tempted and hypnotized by three sweet Thriae. And what a sissy he is, too. Andrew was holding David down on the bed with one hand while pushing in a finger from the other, up to its third knuckle. Sean asked me the next day, and we became suck buddies for the next three years until I moved away. The Peeper and the Bitch A peeping Japanese teen becomes a bitch's bitch.
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His sister might help. After years of adultury my husband snapped, he wanted to humiliate me for all the times I had embarrased him. Jackie and Laura had… shall we say… creative personalities. With his face turning a bright shad of red, Austin Drake slowly dropped his pants and stood silently waiting for his wife to continue with her humiliation of him!!! A comissioned work with stronger aspects of humiliation and bdsm
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I slowly began to work my way down her toes. She then pointed to me and pointed to the ground in front of the cabinets saying, "You know the routine. Her weight in that position, drove my body forward and my all ready aching arms fought to keep me from falling on my face. I gave a pleading look up at Alexis, but she just smiled back down at me and licked her lips. This not only brought her right foot closer to me, but her left foot was now inches from my face. My Mistress suddenly wraps a spiked dog collar around my neck and jerks it roughly in an upward direction, choking me briefly.
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