Dianthus barbatus midget mix

Size Average mature size. Dianthus barbatus Life Cycle: Low spreading, silver-gray carpet. SEARCH ABOUT OUR PLANTS FEEDBACK. Be the first to write a review. Introduction from the University of Nebraska years ago. Contact Information
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Sweet William Seeds - "Tall Double Mix"

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Dianthus, Dwarf Sweet William 'Barbarini Mix'

Select a site in full sun with partial shade in the afternoon and allow at least 12 inches of space between plants. John Gerard praises its beauty but omits any reference to medicinal uses. Phillips speculated that the flower was named after Gerard's contemporary, William Shakespeare. Many legends purport to explain how Sweet William acquired its English common name, but none is verified.
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Sweet William Seeds - Tall Double Mix

The exact origin of its English common name is unknown but first appears in in botanist John Gerard 's garden catalogue. Now that it's spring, they're covered in beautiful blooms! Typical turnaround times for in-stock items is between 2 — 5 business days. However, as we are a company engaged in what Mother Nature provides, we do sometimes experience shortages and crop failures beyond our control. Shades of white, pink and red in unique patterns on each blossom.
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For additional information, see the Global Shipping Programme terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. Wonderful, rose-red flowers edged and spotted with silvery white. A petite ground cover with rich chocolate colored, small, narrow leaves and blue flowers in spring. Nikitovka Seeds All seed packages are labeled in English with basic growing instructions included. SEARCH ABOUT OUR PLANTS FEEDBACK Follow us on. No additional import charges on delivery. Ideal ground cover for the shady garden path.
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