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Please upgrade before November 1, , or you'll be unable to view Fark. His wife was Camille Hanks. Funniest thing I've read in months. Later in life, Temple bestowed a bachelor's degree on Cosby based on his "life experience. Also on Fark Main. How do you write a Manifesto for the health prefect of my school? Is Bill Cosby binld?
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He launched The Cosby Show in Bill Cosby on Family Guy. Magician co-producer shares how he shaped magic on new show. Is Bill Cosby a jello pudding pop?
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Don't you get it? I wonder what the girls from the Cosby show would have to say about this, since a couple of the were around the same age as this girl during it's run. I don't think people want to believe it; to believe would shatter the illusion. I had always had the impression he attempted to establish more of an avuncular mentor role for her that she wasn't interested in and he took it personally. It happens every time a celebrity gets outed as a sexual predator. Casrot , Nov 21,
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