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Bars Restaurants Lodging Events Other Closed. Announcing that a Portland party is intended exclusively for lesbians is stepping into a minefield of identity politics. The LGBTQ Victory Fund, a bipartisan group that tracks, supports and trains viable gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer candidates, found that Republicans are significantly underrepresented: In addition to Fay, and Robert Smedley of New Britain, who is running for the state Senate in the 6th District, the four other candidates are gay men from Eastern Connecticut, a part of the state that has trended increasingly Republican in recent election cycles. How did this shift happen? The songs hail from the past six weeks to the past six decades, and all who show up have smiles splashed on their faces.
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The list includes Richards, AJ Kerouac, who is 31 and lives in Brooklyn, Shaun Mastroianni, a married health care director from Stonington running in the open 43rd District, and John Scott, 48, of Mystic, who is seeking to return to the House after losing his seat in Under a disco ball that sparkled with flashing colored lights, a full rainbow of Portland's lesbian, gay, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual and allied community unfurled. Would you like to go to the Nigeria website? Best Crafty Classes In Connecticut Learning a new skill, connecting with and focusing on a creative project, will deepen your self-awareness, develop your problem-solving skills, build your brain power with new neural pathways and reward you with a sense of satisfaction at having created something new. Male dancers perform on Mondays, dance parties with plenty of drink specials are held on Fridays and the first and third Saturday of each month feature leather parties set to dark house music. Christina Polizzi, spokeswoman for the state Democratic Party.
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