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Thanks so much Renate and Nick for a wonderful weekend. These hosts will make you feel so welcome and take care of every concern. The cottages and surrounding gardens are so nice along with their gazebo behind the cottages. You have the following items saved to your itinerary. As we packed and left to go to Branson, we were wishing we booked our entire honeymoon at the cottage. Ask Dakota80 about Sherwood Court Inn. Renate and Nick were as good as good gets.
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Bricktown Brewery Hip and casual restaurant. Every room is accessible from the public areas - not hidden away in an interior hallway or anything - and other hotel guests and non-guest locals will stroll up and down the sidewalks and see what you're up to, what you might be in the mood for. Oklahoma City offers a great selection of gay specific and gay friendly hotels, inns, guesthouses and traditional bed and breakfast accommodations for the gay and lesbian traveler. Reviewed May 29, via mobile The Ritz? This revitalized area of downtown has become quite the entertainment Mecca.
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