Top 10 celebrity sex tapes

One of the most recent naughty leaks involved boxer Amir Khan. Technically, there was no sex in the video—but it caused quite a stir. Most Read Most Recent. Hilton had long been a fixture on the New York and LA socialite scene, her sex tape—released in and known as "1 Night in Paris"—truly caused her fame to skyrocket. Good Morning Britain Martin Lewis cancels all live TV work after being diagnosed with agonising throat ulcer Money expert Martin Lewis says the health scare has left him in agony. For a look back at the most shocking celebrity sex tape scandals, click through the slideshow above—and let us know:
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Celebrity Sex Tapes | List of Famous Sex Tapes

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Celebrity Sex Tapes

Atlanta star, Mimi Faust, and her on-off boyfriend, Nikko Smith, apparently recorded a very extreme tape sometime in early It was later discovered that she had previously made an adult film. Don't have an account? Lot's of pussy close ups and a recording of the couple having sex over Skype.
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Some of the never seen before clips show Paris pretending to smoke a tampon in its wrapper. Lot's of pussy close ups and a recording of the couple having sex over Skype. In , Hogan took Gawker media to court over their coverage of the whole debacle. Chyna born Joan Marie Laurer is a retired professional wrestler. Apparently she was the one behind its release.
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When someone says sex tape, they probably picture this reality queen. The glaring omission on the Bjorksta map is unlikely to be popular with residents of one Pacific nation. Her most infamous sex tape was with her ex-husband, Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee. In early , another film starring her dropped and release some custom made toys that were fit to her exact measurements. Who surprised you the most? Augusta, Georgia, United States of America. She also spoke to numerous media outlets about what, um, relations was like with him, proving that people truly have no boundaries.
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608 84
  • Leonti Saturday, October 8, 2019 10:51 PM

    Who cares if it was fake? I have just had a good wank gazing at her gorgeous fat arse bouncing about as she was fucked. Nice fuck.

    +18 -1
  • Pantuso Monday, September 28, 2019 - 01:20 PM

    gorgeous luv luv to swallow your cum

    +20 -2
  • Shazier Monday, February 25, 2019 - 04:43 PM

    Your wife is awesome and I would be willing to assist you in pleasing her anytime. She obviously loves to fuck and was able to handle two nice sized cocks without any difficulty. Just wondering if the friend is allowed to cum inside her. I have always wanted to share my wife be she claims to be too shy. I would love to watch another man cum inside her as she sucked me off. Anyway I think all three of you are great and please make more videos to share with us.

    +29 -6
  • Bresee Tuesday, July 29, 2019 - 06:56 AM

    Cute nerd. Think she needs sex. Get a life girlie.

    +20 -7
  • Horacio Saturday, May 10, 2019 - 06:54 PM

    can. we. get. lay

    +20 -1
  • Endito Thursday, August 3, 2019 - 08:49 PM

    fuck me

    +13 -6
  •   Bose Friday, March 12, 2019 - 12:24 PM

    Althought you mentioned fuck in the start you missed it from the main body but i guess we all know it generally meants to have sex. i think its amusing that being called a virgin was meant to be offencive but at the same time being called a fucker was an insult some people are daft.

    +29 -3
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