Multiple sexual parners while pregnant

Am scared of losing ma man or wil ma ex shows up in future 2 claim her! Hi Misha, thank you for taking the time to read and reply. Hi Stephanie… biologically it sounds like your new mate is the father of your child, but it is one of those difficult situations since sperm can live longer than 2 days inside the body as far as I know. It could be possible. Hi Sarah, no that is not possible. I took responsibility for that child she was growing. I cried and the heartbreak was unbearable.
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Who Is The Father , Multiple Sex Partners | Getting Pregnant Forum

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I also read a very shaming tone in this piece, assuming that having multiple sexual partners is unhealthy for women. If i am a man with HIV is it possible to still father a healthy child? I agree with the woman who wrote "illogical correlation" that some people are just different and it is in their nature to want many sexual partners, but there is a tendency in humans to want to see the "normal" as equivalent to "healthy" i. Mocking the claim doesn't make it false.
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Then they claimed that the greater number of sex partners caused the drug problems. Divorce can likewise be initiated by either party. Tweet Share Email Article. You may also visit our Getting Pregnant , for moderated patient to patient support and information.
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VIEW FULL SITE ABOUT WHAT TO EXPECT ABOUT EVERYDAY HEALTH INC. I always Sex my partner during pregnancy,i just want to ask is it normal? The way biology generally works is only one sperm can impregnate the egg and once that sperm is inside the egg, no other sperm can enter. Secular Heretic telling the news as it really is. I then went behind his back and did another DNA test through a whole different company using his toothbrush and still got Have shared with people who have done the same and they claim their child looks like this second partner n this scares me.
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